Health and Fitness

Vision Blurry? How To Know It’s Time For An Eye Exam

Vision Blurry

The lens in the eye is flexible. It adjusts automatically when we look at objects at different distances. As we age, the lens loses some of its flexibility, and the clarity of our vision begins to deteriorate. For most people, the deterioration will begin in their 40s. It is usually a very gradual process. Therefore, many people will be unaware of their deteriorating vision. People over 40 should have an eye test annually.

Everybody is prone to poorer vision as they get older. There are other common vision problems not necessarily associated with aging. These include astigmatism, nearsightedness and farsightedness. These conditions occur when the cornea does not refract light in the correct way. When people have these problems from an early age, they may be unaware that there is anything wrong with their eyesight. The problem may only come to light following an eye examination. An optometrist in Scottsdale AZ lists some signs that it is time to have an eye test done.

  1. Blurry vision

When vision is normal, the entire field of view should appear clear. If any part is blurred, it is best to get the eyes checked to determine what the problem is.

  1. Family history

If your parents or siblings have vision defects, the chances are that your vision is also defective. If there is a history of diabetes or glaucoma in the family, you should arrange regular checks.

  1. Eye strain

If your eyes feel tired after reading or looking at a computer screen for an extended period, this could be because you are straining to read properly. Another possible indication of eye strain is getting a headache while reading or working on a computer.

  1. Trouble reading small print

If you find that you have to hold objects further away to be able to read small print, you should get an eye test. This problem can be corrected using contact lenses or reading glasses.

  1. Sensitivity to glare

You may find that the headlamps of approaching cars make you feel uncomfortable. Likewise, bright sunlight may trouble you.

  1. Difficulty reading road signs at night

Your vision may be worse at night than it is during the day. This is another indication of eye problems.

If you have any of the problems outlined above, do not put off arranging an eye test. Your vision is not going to improve on its own. Eye tests take only a short time and are completely painless. Arrange an appointment today.

Gregory Hayes
I've been working in this Health department for 7 years. I have a lot of knowledge. I want to share it with you and help you to achieve your health dreams easily.

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